Analytics Gets Own Tutorial Page
Google Analytics is a great tool to have in your job marketing skills. There are few online applications out there that are better at slicing and dicing the data that is compiled about visitors to your company's website.
The only problem?
Analytics is updated with new features and tweaks so frequently it's hard to keep up with the latest developments. While there are many books on the subject, the speed of online updates means you'll have to move almost as fast as Google if you want to keep up with their newest offering. Thick volumes about CD or DVD based software packages, like Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Suite, are immensely helpful because the software is only seriously updated every few years, the online world is an ever-changing one.
Two incredibly helpful resources can make your life easier. As always, blogs – like this one ;) – are your best resource. With the instant response times of online published material and the hive-mind power the internet has harnessed, bloggers will keep you up to date on every new twist and wrinkle.
One of your best starts is, of course, the Google Analytics Blog itself. Tapping the source should almost always be step number one. To make that power even easier to undestand and harness, Google's done one better by creating their own dedicated YouTube channel stocked with videos showing you how to get started and how to begin putting Analytics to work for you.
The future is online. You just have to find it.
The only problem?
Analytics is updated with new features and tweaks so frequently it's hard to keep up with the latest developments. While there are many books on the subject, the speed of online updates means you'll have to move almost as fast as Google if you want to keep up with their newest offering. Thick volumes about CD or DVD based software packages, like Microsoft Office or Adobe Creative Suite, are immensely helpful because the software is only seriously updated every few years, the online world is an ever-changing one.
Two incredibly helpful resources can make your life easier. As always, blogs – like this one ;) – are your best resource. With the instant response times of online published material and the hive-mind power the internet has harnessed, bloggers will keep you up to date on every new twist and wrinkle.
One of your best starts is, of course, the Google Analytics Blog itself. Tapping the source should almost always be step number one. To make that power even easier to undestand and harness, Google's done one better by creating their own dedicated YouTube channel stocked with videos showing you how to get started and how to begin putting Analytics to work for you.
The future is online. You just have to find it.
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